It takes dirt to bloom

Spring is here and the collection is ALMOST complete. Currently I sew 99% of my clothing myself and producing inventory takes so much time. Often, my time table is way off and feels delayed when it comes to executing. Recently I’ve let go of my old “perfectionist” ways because perfection is the enemy of progress. BUT, I still have trouble with excepting how LONG it takes to get things done. This collection has made me realize that adversity is truly apart of birthing something great. This is my proudest work to date. I’ve had to endure and push through (even while typing this) so much darkness and “dirt”. But like the flower, its seed takes root in the dark, cold, lonely dirt. Eventually, it pierces through that dirt and grows into a beautiful flower that blooms at the appointed time. This is my process

Chaurielle Robinson

CEO of Reizer Co./ 23 year old designer/ Lover of art/ Creating a legacy through God's grace



Process, Progress, Produce!